Some little known facts about Steve Jobs

  • Steve Jobs belongs to the league of famous college drop-outs that
    include Bill Gates ( Microsoft), Larry Ellison ( Oracle), Michael Dell
    (Dell) and Richard Branson (Virgin group). 


  • Jobs, whose personal
    wealth is about $9 billion, in early years survived on money he got from
    selling coke bottles and weekly free meals at Hare Krishna temple in

  •  Jobs traveled to India in search of spiritual enlightenment and took to Buddhism, shaved his head and wore Indian cloths.

  • Worked
    with HP in Palo Alto in California where he met Steve Wozniak, with
    whom he founded Apple Publishing house Simon & Schuster is set to
    publish the authorized biography of Jobs in November that will include
    his resignation.

  • In the multiple-Oscar winning Hollywood movie Forest Gump, the lead
    character by the same name, played by Tom Hanks, refers to Apple as
    “some sort of fruit company” whose shares Gump ends up owning.

  • In July 1976, Apple sold its first PC, Apple-1 for $700 that had no
    casing, power supply, keyboard or monitor. Jobs-Wozniak duo sold 200
    units of its and made $20 each.

  • In November 2010, in an auction, an almost unused Apple-1 machine was sold for $213,600.

  • First used with iMac in 1998, Jobs said at the launch that ‘i’ meant internet, individual, instruct, inform, inspire.

  • In its proxy filing in January 2011, Apple again confirmed that Jobs was
    paid a dollar for his 2010 efforts and was awarded no new stock. It
    also confirmed that he has not cashed in any of his roughly 5.5 million
    shares since 1997.

  • How did Jobs manage to buy black turtlenecks
    and other day-to-day necessities? For one, the company reimbursed him
    for many expenses, according to its filings, including more than
    $800,000 in 2008, a year when Jobs took a six-month leave of absence
    when he fell ill.

  • Jobs is usually point-blank when he replies to queries.
  • On iPad:
    When a reporter asked what market research went into the iPad, Jobs
    replied: “None. It’s not the consumers’ job to know what they want.”
  • “It was awful-tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it.
    Sometimes life’s gonna hit you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose
    faith,” he told a Stanford graduating class in 2005.

  • ‘Stay hungry, stay foolish’ was his closing comment for the addres.


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